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Unmarried Partner Visa


The Unmarried Partner Visa, often called the “Unmarried Visa” in the UK, offers a pathway for those in a long-term relationship with a British citizen or a person settled in the UK to live and work there. Here’s a closer look at this visa route:

Eligibility Criteria

Relationship Requirements:

  • You must have been living together in a relationship akin to marriage or civil partnership for at least two years before applying.
  • You both must intend to live together permanently in the UK.

Partner’s Status:

  • Your partner must be a British citizen, have settled status in the UK, have refugee status, or be under humanitarian protection.

Proof of Relationship:

  • You need to provide substantial evidence of your relationship, such as joint bank statements, shared utility bills, and proof of living at the same address.

Financial Requirement:

  • You and your partner must have a combined income of at least £18,600 per year, plus additional amounts if you have dependent children.


  • You must have suitable accommodation where you and any dependents can live without recourse to public funds.

English Language Requirement:

  • You must prove your knowledge of the English language unless you are from an exempt country.

Application Process

Application Form:

  • Complete the application form online.


  • Provide your biometric information (fingerprints and a photo) as part of the application.

Supporting Documents:

  • Submit all required documents to prove your relationship, financial stability, accommodation, and English language proficiency.


  • Pay the visa application fee of £1048 (in country) (£1846 for out of country), and the Immigration Health Surcharge fee of £2587.50(in country) and £3105 for out of country application.

After Applying

Processing Time:

  • The processing time for an Unmarried Partner Visa application can vary, but it generally takes around 8 weeks if applying from outside the UK, or 6 months if applying from within the UK.


  • If your application is successful, you will be granted leave to remain in the UK for 2.5 years, after which you can apply for an extension.

Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR):

  • After living in the UK for 5 years on an Unmarried Partner Visa, you may be eligible to apply for ILR, which is a step towards obtaining British citizenship.

Important Considerations

Refusal and Appeals:

  • If your application is refused, you may have the right to appeal against the decision or reapply, addressing the reasons for refusal.

Public Funds:

  • You are not allowed to access public funds (benefits) during your stay on an Unmarried Partner Visa.


The Unmarried Partner Visa route is designed for those who are in a genuine and long-term relationship with a British citizen, or a person settled in the UK. It requires thorough documentation and adherence to specific requirements to prove the validity of the relationship and the ability to support yourselves financially without recourse to public funds.

FAQ (Frequently asked questions):

The Unmarried Partner Visa allows the partner of a British citizen or a person settled in the UK to live and work in the UK. This visa is suitable for couples who are in a genuine and subsisting relationship but are not married or in a civil partnership.

To be eligible for an Unmarried Partner Visa, you must:

  • Have been living together in a relationship akin to marriage for at least two years.
  • Have a British partner or a partner settled in the UK.
  • Meet the English language requirement.
  • Meet the financial requirement, showing a combined income of at least £18,600 per year (more if you have children).
  • Key documents include:

    • Evidence of a two-year cohabitation period (e.g., joint tenancy agreements, utility bills).
    • Proof of your partner’s British citizenship or settled status.
    • Financial documents proving you meet the income threshold.
    • Proof of English language proficiency.
    • Relationship evidence (e.g., photos, correspondence).

As of the latest update, the fees are:

  • Visa application fee: £1,538 (if applying from outside the UK), or £1,048 (if applying from within the UK).
  • Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS): £1035per year.

The standard processing time for an Unmarried Partner Visa is:

  • 12 weeks (about 3 months) for applications made outside the UK.
  • Up to 8 weeks (about 2 months) for applications made within the UK.

Yes, you can work and study in the UK with an Unmarried Partner Visa without any restrictions.

The visa is initially granted for 33 months (about 3 years) if applying from outside the UK, or 30 months (about 2 and a half years) if applying from within the UK. It can be extended for another 30 months (about 2 and a half years).

Yes, after spending five years on an Unmarried Partner Visa, you can apply for ILR, provided you continue to meet all the requirements.

If your relationship ends, you must inform the Home Office. Your visa may be curtailed, and you might have to leave the UK unless you qualify to stay under a different visa category.

If you have children, you need to show additional income: £3,800 for the first child and £2,400 for each subsequent child. Children of the relationship can apply as dependents on the same visa application.For the most up-to-date information, always refer to the official UK government website or consult with an immigration advisor. 

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